Labelling CloudFX as a cloud broker is an over-simplification. True it can give an organisation the ability to tap into IT resources in any location around the globe, all managed from a single pane of glass, however CloudFX is much much more than that. The portfolio of Services spans ITaaS On Demand, Anything as a Service brokering, ITSM on Demand, DevOp’s on Demand, IT Service Automation on Demand, Multi-Vendor Cloud Billing Aggregation Management, E-Commerce multi lingual, multi-currency borderless Cloud Market place portals, Multi-Vendor Cloud Analytics, Multi Cloud Architecture Blue Printing and several other strategic IT service domains.

CloudFX’s solutions are multi-dimensional, used by industry leaders and are the outcome of more than 450,000 hours of software development and more than $22M of product development.

Why we chose to partner with CloudFX

We've seen the challenges managing multiple cloud providers can bring. Visibilty and control of costs can be a major headache, let alone keeping track of what services are live and those that are no longer required. We like the fact that with Cloud FX you can manage every single integrated element, including multi public cloud providers, internal VMware or Open Stack environments, and any integrated SaaS or PaaS service via easy to use, intuitive management interfaces.

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